Dr. Mahmood is a dedicated and self-motivated dentist known for his positive attitude and commitment to learning. He has a genuine passion for sharing his knowledge with those in need and takes great interest in Prosthodontics. His vision is to promote healthcare and well-being for all.

Education & Certifications:
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) – Ajman University
Veneers and Dental Photography – Specialized in cosmetic dental treatments
Invisalign Go Provider – Certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners
Laser in Dentistry – Proficient in laser-assisted dental procedures
Root Canal Treatment Under Magnification – Expertise in performing precise root canal treatments using magnification tools

Up Close & Personal:
Hobbies: Swimming, gym, bowling, football
Languages Spoken: Arabic and English
Something no one knows about me: : I’m secretly competitive when it comes to bowling.
Pets: None
Favorite Quote: "Life is simple; it's not worth worrying over."
Patient Care Philosophy :
I treat every patient like family, taking the time to educate them about their oral health. My focus is on delivering a smile that’s not only beautiful but also healthy and fully functional, ensuring they leave feeling confident and cared for.
Pearly Smiles